Mesothelioma cancer can strike anyone, but appears more often in men than in women. It is a disease mainly linked to asbestos and smoke, since most people who have worked on jobs where they breathed in asbestos particles, have developed this pathology.
Experts believe that smoking does not seem to be a directly related risk for developing the disease only by its own, but its combination with asbestos exposure increases the risk of Mesothelioma, so stop smoking if you are exposed to asbestos in your workplace.
According to statistics eight out of ten of all reported cases were exposed to asbestos, however there are cases of people that have not had any exposure to the fibers of this mineral.
Therefore, the main risk factor for developing Mesothelioma can be found in asbestos, a group of fibrous metamorphic minerals which have an special resistance to fire. Asbestos have been exploited for a variety of purposes, such as industrial products, roof shingles and flooring products.
However, some uses of asbestos are banned in many countries, since it is known that the inhalation of some kinds of asbestos fibers can cause various illnesses, including Mesothelioma, lung, larynx and kidney cancer and asbestosis, a chronic lung ailment, but a non cancerous pathology.
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